Aug 31

6 Military Leadership Ideas You Can Apply to Your Business

Leaders set the tone in every organisation. However, it can be challenging to set the correct one. 

The military might be the last thing that comes to mind when we think about setting the tone in an SME or a business. But there’s no denying the particular sort of order inherent in their leaders and the resulting chain of command.

So, it’s hardly surprising that you can take a page out of their book and apply a few of their leadership ideas to your businesses (and even to everyday life) – and reap great results:

Lead Selflessly 

Lead Selflessly

The military serves to lead, and self-sacrifice is part of the bedrock under every type of military leadership. 

Based on this principle, people won’t do extraordinary things -unless they know that you’ll do the same. Vis-a-vis your organisation, employees won’t go the extra mile if they don’t see a leader who does. 

Simply put, servant leadership is the key for anyone who expects extraordinary things from ordinary people. 

Do the Right Thing – At All Times 


People in the military are trained to do what they ought to, regardless of what they want. 

The same can be beneficial for anyone in leadership positions. By doing the right thing at all times (to the best of your knowledge and ability anyway), you will model self-discipline not just for yourself, but for the entire organisation. 

By subordinating your needs and wants, you’re better equipped to hold fast to the right path, especially when it comes to implementing unpopular decisions

As the saying goes, “The standard that you walk by is the standard that you accept.”

Understand Your Desired End Result


Always begin with the end in mind. Military leaders understand the importance of interconnectivity. They understand that if they do something, one thing will happen, followed by another in a sequence of interrelated events.

Having the same understanding and view of your desired end result can be invaluable. 

Leaders must always know what they want to achieve in order to strategise comprehensively on how to deliver it. 

Moreover, this type of focus helps you avoid impulsive, short-term decisions which can be catastrophic for your business. 

Master the Basics 


Every organisation must be a master of its core skills and output. And this always starts with the leader

Striving to be the best at what you do is the most effective way to show your employees how to do great work. 

Done right, it will set your business apart from mediocre counterparts. More importantly, it will inculcate important values in your employees, which will help breed confidence, agility, and capability. 

In other words, a master creates nothing but a team full of masters. 

Respond Instead of React 

Respond Instead of React

Speed doesn’t always equate to sound decision-making. There are many enthusiastic and passionate leaders who end up hampered by bad calls. 

The military teaches its leaders and subordinates to take the time to think things through before responding to any situation. They prioritise a response, not a reaction. 

While a reaction is immediate and usually intuitive, a response is the opposite. The latter makes use of time to consider all appropriate options intelligently, long before taking any action. 

Applying this to your business, especially during emergencies, can make all the difference between critical success or abject failure. 

Communicate Information Effectively 

Communicate Information Effectively

Anyone can communicate, but only a few can do so effectively. 

The ability to communicate effectively is fundamental to the successful management of any organisation. Whether we’re talking about the military, academe, or business.

Today, information is everywhere. A leader’s ability to glean and disseminate the right information effectively is as crucial as ever. 

When you are able to communicate ideas and instructions effectively, this would lessen follow-up questions and eventually would result in the success of collective goals


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Serena Estrella
+ posts

Serena has been working remotely and writing content for the better part of the last decade. To date, she's written for and Mabuhay Magazine, among others, and has churned out more than a thousand articles on everything from The Basics of Stock Market Investing to How to Make Milk Tea-Flavored Taho at home. Hermits, aspiring hermits, and non-hermits with interesting project propositions may email her at

About The Author

Serena has been working remotely and writing content for the better part of the last decade. To date, she's written for and Mabuhay Magazine, among others, and has churned out more than a thousand articles on everything from The Basics of Stock Market Investing to How to Make Milk Tea-Flavored Taho at home. Hermits, aspiring hermits, and non-hermits with interesting project propositions may email her at

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